
Anne Mette Thorhauge

Let’s turn our digital natives into digital citizens

In the digital world we have created for ourselves, how much do we know about our rights as digital citizens? Anne Mette Thorhauge points to digital literacy as the means to understand how we, as political beings, can shape and master our digital environment.

Digital Education should not solely exist to prepare us for the digital market. Anne Mette will invite us to reflect on the deeply political and salient aspects of citizenship within the framework of contemporary and future technological advancements.

“Rights is not something you can give away by checking a box.”

On her quest to research digital literacy as a reference point for citizenship, she will address the challenges we are confronted with. Ones that we cannot deal with individually, but collectively as critical citizens. She will focus on different aspects of our online rights, and not just privacy. She believes that ticking a box under Terms of Agreement is not enough, nor it can moderate the threats to our basic human rights and identities.

Thinking about the future, she sees that the media and technology will conquer and affect more aspects of our lives than they do today; we cannot broaden their already increasing use, but we will soon be able to see more of our lives going digital.

“Activities like eating, sleeping, reading, or having children, will soon be something one can track, and turn into communication.”

Anne Mette will help us navigate the theme of Digital Education. Join us on June 12th, for a close-up at the corner of digital literacy as a question of citizenship.

- by Nicole Andreou


About the speaker

Anne Mette is an Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen, at the Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication, and Chairwoman at The Media Council for Children and Young People in Denmark.


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