The Copenhagenize Project
Mary is an urban planner from North Carolina, who was going to steal Copenhagen’s secrets and copenhagenize America. Instead she ended up staying.
Urban Planner
Mary Embry is an urban planner and mobility consultant at Copenhagenize Consulting. She advises cities around the world and is responsible for designing elegant solutions for bicycle infrastructure, as well as developing communication strategies.
In her talk, The Copenhagenize Project, Embry details the meaning of copenhagenization, delving into the importance of branding for today’s society, and how the ‘copenhagenize’ brand has such a positive impact on inspiring more bicycle-friendly urban atmospheres across the globe.
Copenhagenize Consulting is a leading consultancy and communications company specializing in bicycle promotion, research & marketing and liveable cities.
With catchphrases like copenhagenize, people around the world can speak a common language. Understand the idea, jump on the band wagon. Be inspired to plan for people and people on bicycles first. It’s a movement about movement.